By spam friends with 😜
This helped me a lot I’ve been depressed since I was younger this really helped me and showed me ways to get help this is a wonderful app I will recommend
So incredibly helpful!
By Houtla
This app provides such valuable information for indicators of depression and how it manifests. I highly recommend!!
Helpful app
By I_wish_i_could_take_my_life
This app is very helpful I wish there was a person like this app to help me
iOS 17 Health Integration
By RJ46
Please add Apple Health integration. Would like to export and import the test results to and from Apple Health. Thank you!
By obey me x mc
Thanks for your help I really didn’t know..But I just started therapy and its been good
Love it
By the app exposer
I love this app it helps me so much I’m only 9 and a lot of things like bullying and getting called slutty.
This test is very accurate!
By Neenerbeanie
When I took this to a professional they said * you are dealing with a type of depression* so this test was very very accurate I would definitely recommend this app so you should get it too!
By justaguywhodoesstuff
I took the test and had severe depression and I went to my doctor and he diagnosed me with major depression so I started being counseled and I’m still suffering but I’m better
It’s ok!
By nani_bear2010
I feel very sad that I just wanna see how bad I feel and my heart is beating slow and I’m very sad😔
By lowengrub
I found out I had severe depression and managed to stop it than you sm!😍