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  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
  • Developer:
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS

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App Reviews

  • Total addition

    By Ipad freemaker
    Im totaly adicted to this game and i always leave the weeds in the yard snd when im bored I'll finnaly pick them and what is the fuller version pkease tell me. It also takes so long for a generation to pass i would be on my seventh but my sister accidentally deleted it
  • You can only have 1 kid

    By lovedoggies10
    It's so dumb I wish it was at least 2
  • Amazing

    By lolabbaby
    I love this game and I am so happy o found it and the only thing that kinda freaks me out is when they eat they turn their heads all the way around . But other than that I love this game and will play it everyday !
  • Not worth time or $

    By Hppynja
    No where as fun as the original and you have to pay!
  • Great game but..

    By LaLaWorld💎
    Ok so virtual families is a great game but how are you supposed to put out a fire? If you know the answer please respond to me aka LaLaWorld💎
  • Good game.

    By Ltepperson
    This is a good game. Not a great game, but a good game.
  • Brock Alan Johnson

    By Bold Brock
    Habit has returned from college to live in the family home following the recent death of his adoptive parents. He is an beginning level spammer. He has married Ribbons, an beginning level fairy tale writer. They're both 28 years old at the present time. I'm unsure if they're going to have kids of their own since he doesn't want to have kids while she thinks it'd be nice to have kids, but there is a chance they'll also later be adoptive parents.
  • Sharon0914 is right!

    By Ayla loves icecream
    She is right go play a night def game like the sims! It's original and the peeps die quick and they look nothing like the cover and icon when you log in! And when they try to make a baby THEY DANCE AND HUG UMM I just don't know what to say...
  • Ok,but...

    By pjscott550
    Ok. So it's a good game and all, but how do you fix the cracks in the floor in the house?
  • Store

    By ThatArtsyGirl
    I downloaded the app and it is super fun! But my Store didn't download, what do I do! I want to get it, but I am on my eighth generation and have tons of coins. I was gong to but it said the game would reset if I redownload it. What do I do, please help!


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