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  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
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  • Compatibility: Android, iOS

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App Reviews

  • Uncomfortable with new religious aspect

    By Emi-gumi
    Uncomfortable with how oddly religious this game seems to be. I downloaded it because I’ve liked the past VV games, but this one took a major turn down the religious route and does so using outdated terms in referring to villagers as ‘heathens’ that you cannot direct in the game until converted. Why???? Spirituality is now a new discipline for the villagers as well that you can train them in. So weird and alienating towards gamers who aren't interested in this. I’d like to get a refund as I feel uncomfortable contributing to / supporting game makers who suggest that the totems that the virtual villagers have must be torn down and converted, yikes.

    By Cindy3002
    I really enjoy this game but Im stuck on the builder heathen because of a glitch, it keeps moving my villager to a different spot without letting me finish it, help!!
  • Great game

    By susy6634
    When will the developers be coming out with the 6th version? I love this game and wish that they made a new one. I’ve been checking periodically to see if a new version comes out but it’s been years and nothing. Please make another game.
  • Doesn’t Fit Screen

    By SnuggleBear2032
    Love the games and I decided to buy this one but the actual game is bigger than my screen. I can’t see a lot of the buttons that’s I need in order to even play.
  • Please come out with a New VV6!!!

    By Tashababy254
    Please make us a new version! Ive beat all the others and would love to pay/play a new one!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  • How to keep my progress from the free version

    By jukenada
    I got the free version then I try to purchase the full version from the free one and I can’t so I buy it separately how can I keep my progress from the one from free?
  • LDW please update these games

    By Graveyard Snowflake
    If there’s ever an update to this game, I’d like to see two things: 1. Tech points accumulate a bit faster, and 2. Events happen more often.
  • Hard puzzle

    By Torchfireflameborn
    So I’ve completed most of the puzzles and I’m on level three for all the tech stuff. But how do I beat the heathen builder? I’ve tried many times and used the time warp, but my villager doesn’t seem to be going faster. I’ve tried using bees first to stop the builder from getting to the challenge, but he doesn’t acknowledge when my villager wins. Am I supposed to use time warp twice or something? And yes I’m using a master builder.
  • Funny!!

    By mangoeoe
    I just used the youth power on an esteemed elder who had a baby. Now I have a 5 year old with a baby. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen!!!
  • The Heathen Builder is impossible to beat on the app.

    By Agape Reign
    It is impossible ti defeat the heathen builder. When I use thy time warp, my master builder leaves the contest and does other tasks. I’ve tried 10 times 10 ways and nothing works. So frustrated.


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