Please keep updating!! A++
By @soyjoseito_
This App Rocks the information given in this app is extremely useful & Amazing information.Talk about a study guide? Download today!! Can't wait to become an Emt! If they kee updating,1000's of users=1000's of 5Star feedbacks
This is really good
By IPhone user87531
I had to take my H.O.S.A competition test and my event was EMT. And this was my last minute study tool and this is the only thing I needed. It helped me so much because I hit about number 67 and half of them were on the test! I actually made top 10 in the region using this app! It's so great! I recommend it'
Must have
By Steelers fan 924
I love this app
Awesome app
By Freddy1!¡
It is pretty useful for my Emt class.