Great but what about my avater
By Rise 🤩🤩🤩🤩
I'm really confused how do I put my avatar on it. Someone please tell mw
I don’t know how to put it on my Roblox avatar if u know how ok w please help me
By Very difficult to figure out
Ppl don’t know how to put the outfit in the Roblox avatar
Wow so cool
By Urrrrrrgh
Cool game but I don’t know how to upload it so if anyone know pls tell me
Great but how do I use it
By LylacHart
I love the game it’s amazing and super fun but I have no idea how to get it on my Roblox avatar in the game I have tried everything if you can help me with that please do and thank you
How do I do it?
By Gru’s letter
Hi! So I’m confused of how to get it in my Roblox app if you know what I mean if you don’t , then I mean I tried it and it didn’t get into my clothes it Roblox. Thank you!
I don’t even know how to use it
By Carterlinysha sha
It’s hard it’s bad
By Bad game don’t get this
It’s a great designing game. It works perfectly and nothing wrong with the game. The clothes are so cute and have male and female clothes. Very easy to use you can like stuff and put it in your favorites.
BUT? How do you get it to go on you Roblox avatar like I have tried everything but I can get it to work. So if you could help me I would love it.
By Sammy gummy
I love this game. It’s so cool.
It wouldn’t let me sallowest the app
By brat 2.o
Put it down. Let me download the app.