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Oil Painting - Paint by Number

Oil Painting - Paint by Number

By Andrei Nemtsou

  • App Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2020-04-09
  • Current Version: 1.5
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 1.35 GB
  • Developer: Andrei Nemtsou
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 11.0
App Ratings: 4.5
Based on 28 Reviews

Oil Painting - Paint by Number App Description

Coloring mandala - calm and rest. MEDITATION There is a lot of stress and anxiety in the modern world. Our antistress app will help you relax and escape from the daily rush. SLEEP Our coloring helps to fall asleep. 5 minutes of play before bedtime will help you relax. WHITE NOISE Sounds of nature and birdsong create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility CALMING SOUNDS The app sounds soothing music. Paint smoothly spreads over the elements, creating a meditative effect. COLOR BY NUMBER There are no numbers or palettes. Only meditation and relaxation. Well suited for adults after a hard day's work and for children as a creative app. PAINT You just need a tap to paint. The areas will be filled in the desired color. The contours of the future picture will gradually appear. COLORS The coloring uses calm and relaxing colors to make you happy. It is color therapy. MYSTERY There is no gallery in the application. All future paintings are a mystery. You do not know what happens until you finish drawing. PICTURES Beautiful illustrations of nature and animals will help you relax and cheer you up. Each pixel was painted with love and attention to detail. POLY Beautiful polygonal illustration close up. Enjoy the process and relax your brain!


Oil Painting - Paint by Number App Screenshots


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