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San Francisco Zoo

San Francisco Zoo

By LDW Software, LLC

  • App Category: Entertainment
  • Release Date: 2015-11-26
  • Current Version: 1.1.40
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 178.34 MB
  • Developer: LDW Software, LLC
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 8.0
App Ratings: 3.28571
Based on 7 Reviews

San Francisco Zoo App Description

Thinking about visiting the San Francisco Zoo and Gardens? This app can enhance your visit before, during, and after! The Official SF Zoo app has these features in its first version: • Map with location finder • Route planner to find you next animals, exhibit, cafe or rest room • Detail information on all the animals • A guide to all the Exhibits • Latest Zoo news • 5 day weather forecast • How to find get to the San Francisco Zoo More features are planned in upcoming updates. We hope the app is helpful, and we wish you a great visit to the Zoo!


San Francisco Zoo App Screenshots

San Francisco Zoo App Reviews

  • Lack of features

    By sf nativr
    I’m a member and would love to access my membership through the app or even my tickets. Can’t do either.
  • Wouldn’t be bad if they kept it up to date

    By tas50
    This is app is pretty much useless since it doesn’t reflect the current state of the Zoo. Komodo dragon is on the map but dead. Sloths are still showing up in their old location. The list goes on. Just switch back to paper maps SF. They work much better.
  • Don’t get lost

    By Slg60174
    The SF zoo has the worse signage ever. The map in this app tracks you if you have location turned on your phone. Worked like a charm. Never lost. Great for finding food and restrooms too. Could probably have more info on the exhibits but really just fine.
  • Map’s autocentering is annoying

    By Kevin Crossman
    The map looks great but it is really annoying that it constantly tries to recenter on your actual location. It is nice to see where I am but I want to look at other areas of the map, too.
  • Amazing App👍

    By valeriec5220
    I bought this app because for my birthday I was going to go to the SF Zoo. It gave a great map on where all the animals were located. I was able to use my phone as a GPS instead of the map that they give you at the entrance. All the facts that they gave on the animals were amazing and I would definitely recommend this app!!
  • Great app

    By SF Zoo visitor
    Easy to use and informative.
  • SF Zoo App

    By EdsterP
    Fantastic and clever. So useful
  • Great App and it's free

    By rp475
    Love the map and all the animal info. Daily schedule of feedings and events helps you plan your day.


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